Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Trying to make a comeback....

So what I was most fearful of has happened. I ran a plethora of races from May to October and then also immediately lost my desire to run. It started with the injury I was trying to shake off after doing three races in two weeks. After that I backed off on running to try and rest/heal. Once the injury subsided I found my desire to run wasn't as strong as it usually is. I'm still struggling. October-December have been the worst running months I've had in probably half a dozen years. Nike+ is embarrassed by me. They don't actually know me, per se, but they're embarrassed I've been their most loyal user ever and now I'm barely running :p

So I've been trying to ease back into it. I have eye on a 6 hour ultra marathon in April. It's not the traditional 50-100 milers, it's just running as far as you can in 6 hours. My goal would be to break 30 miles. 

I almost feel like I'm starting over with running. I'm back to pulling in just 3-4 mile runs and calling that good. Just a couple months ago 20 miles was my good. How does this happen so quickly to us?

With that said, I don't make resolutions for the new year, but I'm really working on trying to clean up my eating. Not die hard only eat clean but I would like to eat in such a way to I'm getting the nutrients needed to support running. I rely far too heavily on prepared food and the like. How do you guys plan meals ahead? I have to take food with me to work as we don't get any kind of meal break. I think if I can wrap my mind around healthy eating, running distance will come back so much more easily. One day at a time right?

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